Again, nearly a year to the day since the last post!
The Festival of Architecture & Design (FAD) has finished for 2017, this time as a partner to Open State managing the Future Cities theme, curated by the South Australian Government. 3 days of talks, workshops, installations and exhibitions open to the public. As with FAD2015, Lumen Studio (with award-winning photographer Peter Barnes) curated another edition of The Hero Shot – an exhibition celebrating architectural photography and representation, this time featuring works from South Australia, interstate and overseas from some of the finest local photographers and architectural practices. The exhibition continues until Friday 28th October in the foyer of SA Water on Victoria Square. Look for our glasses-free 3D image entry this year...
Once again, Canon Australia kindly donated printing of the images while Art & Frame mounted the images for hanging and the AIA greatly aided the logistics.
The Adelaide Review's wrote an article (noting that the images in the article are from the previous exhibition) see a handful of the new ones below.
Earlier in the year I again had the honour of being a juror for the Sustainable Architecture category for the 2017 Australian Institute of Architects (SA) awards. There were a solid list of entries that required a lot of time and deliberation just to get down to a shortlist. A total of 5 awards and commendations were given to educational, commercial and residential projects. See all award winners listed here with an image of each, Sustainable winners are around half way down.
The Green Building Institute has begun providing modules of video + online training for building & design industry professionals. As an architecture practice with a deep understanding of sustainable design principles, I was interviewed to provide some content. See the Green Building Institute website for more detail on the course.
Act natural...
And lastly, while I’d never really seen the point of business pages for social media, I’ve since been convinced that having a profile at least serves a purpose for first port-of-call in searches. On that note, feel free to visit the belated Facebook page for LumenStudio here.
And the very only-just-created Instagram here which will feature images of completed work, projects under construction, renders, architecture and design photography and general architecture-art musings. Feel free to give a like and a follow.
Some images from The Hero Shot below 2.0...